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OKUDA ​​SAN MIGUEL (Santander, 1980) and REMED (Paris, 1978) meet in Madrid in the 2000s. One comes from Lille (France), the other from Santander (Spain). Madrid adopts them and they each develop their own particular style in urban art. On the one hand, the poetry of REMED, on the other the inexhaustible energy of OKUDA, both playing with the colors shining under the Spanish sun. Little by little, they make a name for themselves in the international art scene.

OKUDA ​​SAN MIGUEL and REMED intervene together for the first time in 2011 on two canvases and link their work. In 2012, under the curatorship of Anna Dimitrova, they begin a long series of collaborations together that takes them to more than 20 countries in the world.
From Moscow to Miami via Oslo, Madrid, Mexico … Cities that inspire them and where they accumulate life experiences closely related to their creations, developing a real synergy between them and their work. It evolves and transforms itself, a third artist is born from their common work.

During these years, each one continues its way with exhibitions around the world and notable wall interventions. But their strong creative connection remains present.

Remed et Okuda San Miguel
Print “Muses allongées”
Impression Fine Art jet d’encre
Papier Hahnemuhle Fine Art Rag 308 g/m.

40 x 50 cm

Edition 88 unités signées et numerotées par les deux artistes.
240 euros + shipping

Okuda et Remed "Muses allongées" print


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