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Between the 25th and the 29th of July, GREMS created an ashtoning art piece on a giant 30-meter wall. Driven by an insatiable desire to reinvent himself and offer a different perspective on the world, this multidisciplinary artist who combines art and music in his creations always brings new ideas, creating unexpected proposals while maintaining his unique and familiar style.


An exhibition with works full of color, wild animals and mysticism.

Fefe Talavera‘s works are metaphors of human, subconscious and strong emotions such as passion, anger, dreams or desires. Inspired by the innate light and dark of the world we inhabit, ella’s colorful beasts connect us to our inner selves and represent the artist’s cultural roots, as well as the powerful energy of her work that can be seen in the streets around of the world.


On the other hand, on the outside, NANO4814 created a mural in pure color on the 22nd and 23rd of July, in front of the eyes of everyone who wants to get closer to see how he does his work. NANO4814 focuses on concepts such as the idea of ​​the role of the artist in society or the existential pressure of the contemporary individual; everything is camouflaged by a colorist aesthetic that hides, at first glance, transcendental themes.

Completing this exhibition, the interior of the gallery shows a mural created by 3TTMAN inspired by Campo Viejo and Ibiza. Louis Lambert is the 3TTMAN, who deliberately reveals the limit between art and craftsmanship, challenging the prevailing conceptions of “correct” practice in both worlds: the fine arts and urban art.

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